Friday, May 29, 2009

Hands Gallery

This is the outside of the other artist's co-op I belong to - Hands Gallery in downtown Boone, NC. Boone is also a tourist destination, plus the home of Appalachian State University. Because of the student population there's a bit of a bohemian feel to downtown. The co-op was formed in 1975, making Hands the oldest craft cooperative in the area. It's the same arrangement here as it is at Main Street Gallery in Blowing Rock (See previous post). Each member works their days in exchange for a low commission and we all share in the running of the gallery.

This is my jewelry display. I have quite a bit more room to show off lovely things here than I do at Main Street Gallery. Below I'll show you some photos of work by the artists that are members of Hands, but not members of Main Street.

Kirsten Tiedemann's mosaics. Watch out. If you stand still too long, she'll cover you with tiles and glass and grout your seams! To the right is jewelry by Mitzy Johnkeer.
These are serigraphs (silk screen prints) by Joan Meixell. Joan is our Treasurer, so she doesn't have to work in the shop because it's a pretty big job. And, we like her - she writes our checks!

Pottery by Brenda Schramm and jewelry by Don Haywood...

Fine woodworking by Kristen and Roger Brodt and Denise Grohs of Miter's Touch...

Papersnacks (collage paper cut out art) by Lindsey Cero and turned wood by Phil Hull. Check out the functional wooden sink!

Sgraffito pottery by Jeff Martin. Jeff also paints, but doesn't have any paintings here right now. Get with it, Jeff!

And, our newest member, Linda Smith makes beautiful fiber art. She combines some of her quilting with painting.
The other artists are: Richard Rapfogel - photography, Dianne Radford - stained glass, Chrissie Callejas - painting and sculpture, Debbi Ordan - jewelry, Barbara Sox - baskets, Leslie Wright - hand woven clothing, Sharon Bass - jewelry, Linda McCalister and Carol Lawrence - photography, and Amy (Evenlight) Eagles - leather work.
So, if you ever visit Boone, NC, stop by 543 West King Street and say "hi!"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Too Much Rain!!!

A small river running through my front yard after 5 inches of rain last night.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Main Street Gallery

I'm working at one of my co-op galleries today. Main Street Gallery in Blowing Rock, NC. We're artist-owned and operated and we currently have 15 members. We have other work on consignment, but the consignment artists don't have to work in the gallery. We collect a higher commission from them.

Downtown Blowing Rock is really quaint and tourist-y. Our gallery is in an old stone building that has a US Coast and Geodetic Survey benchmark which was installed in 1936. It states that we are at an elevation of 3,579.150 fee above sea level. (See the round spot on the wall between us and the realty office.)

This is part of my jewelry display. I share the two cases with another jewelry artist - Debbi Ordan. In the background are photographs by Richard Rapfogel.

This is the other side of the display. In the distance, against the wall, is more jewelry, this by Jim Rice.

We have stained glass by Dianne Radford, pottery by Jamie Kirkpatrick, paintings and sculpture by Chrissie Callejas, digital art prints by Pat Pilchard...

... hand woven clothing by Leslie Wright, pottery and paintings by Stephanie Welden...

...painting and collage by Cathy Taylor, and pottery by Jen Garulski-Stas.

The other things we have are pottery by Carlos Robledo and Eric Reichard, baskets by Barbara Sox, photography by Linda McCalister and Carol Lawrence, furniture by Bill Lindau, and fiber arts by Elaine Brookshire. Also miniature dolls by Marie Evans, photography by Marty Hulsebos, turned wood by Ron Mechling, monoprints by Will Pilchard, lampwork glass beaded jewelry by Debbie Keen, silk clothing and scarves by Mary Vandercraft, and crocheted wire and beaded jewelry by Sharon Bass. Quite a diverse mix of mediums.

It's a good deal for us artists. By working our days in the gallery (about 2 days a month), we only have to pay a minimal commission on our sales each month, usually between 10% and 15%, plus a small monthly fee. We close in the winter and the monthly fee allows us to do that. Plus, we get to meet our customers and be part of a group of like-minded people.

The other co-op I belong to is Hands Gallery in Boone, NC. More about that the next time I work there.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Coyote sighting

Those of you who live out west are used to seeing and hearing these beautiful creatures, but they've only taken up residence here in the Appalachians recently and have now become a nusiance in some places. For the last 4-5 years I could hear them on summer nights sounding just like what you hear in the old cowboy movies. An eerie sound for someone not used to it. In the last two years I've had sightings near my house on several occasions. Yesterday morning, abtou 6:45, I was out taking covers off my plants. (We had a frost and I had to cover as much of my garden as I could.) I looked up and there was a young female staring at me from about 20 feet away. She turned, looked over her shoulder at me, and by the time I blinked my eyes she was gone. I think they're shape-shifters, too.

Have you read Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver? It takes place in the southern Appalachians and one thread of the story is about a reclusive wildlife biologist who is studying a den of coyotes. The prose is beautiful and she explains the need for large predators in our ecological system. My neighbors are afraid for their cattle and horses, but it's highly unusual for coyotes to take down prey that large, especially when we're over run with rabbits, squirrels and ground hogs. I'm still not sure how I feel about them being here, but for the most part I'm glad. But, my cat stays in at night!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New piece listed on Etsy

I told you I'd show pictures. I just listed this piece on Etsy. See the listing here.
It's a picture rhyolite cabachon set into fine silver that I made with metal clay. Can you see the little landscape? There's even what looks like a little bird flying on the right side. Also called Apache Rhyolite, it resembles the sage brush desert that it comes from.

I'm trying so hard not to be an old fogey!

This is my first blog post. After talking to some friends who successfully market their artwork online, the consensus was that this is the future train and I'd better get on board. Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, etc. etc. etc. This isn't easy for someone like me (from the baby-boomer generation) because I wonder who would be interested in what I have to say. I've been asking myself for a long time if this is something I can dedicate myself to actually DO. So, it's is a work in progress and I'll do the best I can and try to come up with interesting posts. I'll tell you about the jewelry I'm making and post lots of pictures. There'll be some things about my life here in the mountains that I think you might find interesting or funny. BTW: I'm already on Facebook. Is Twitter next?